Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hello Earthlings,

I met my goal for the weekend!  So jokes!

Just so you know, Earthlings...

By the end of November, I'm going to be known as "that weird woman at Starbucks who always sits in the back corner with headphones crammed on over her hat and types."

You have been warned.

~Jessie May

Wow, that sucked

Hello Earthlings,

I think that it's a good thing that I'm writing things that are so hard for me to express and heart me so much to put into words.  That said, the first bit of Mongrel has really put me through the ringer and now I need a little break.  I'm going to post what I've got so far but expect another posting tonight as I am still 2500 words from my goal for today.

Random factoid: I have this deep and abiding fear that as I sit here with my big ol' whopping earphones on, writing and listening to classical music, I'm breathing really loud and annoying everyone else in the store.  I don't seem to breathe loud when I have the earphones off, but I can't shake the paranoia.

A quick break

Hey Earthlings,

I'm chilling in Starbucks with my Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate and settled in for a long day's writing.  I've just rounded the 6k mark and my ever-so-lofty goal is to hit 10k before I go home tonight.  For now, though, I need a little breaky and thought I would expound on my plan, as it stands right now, to complete Mongrel.

First, I need to just spew words onto a page and get a story out there.  I'm working really, really hard at not caring if it's perfect, just so long as it's there.  I have so many things I want to go back and tweak, but I have to keep reminding myself that first the story has to exist- in its entirety- before I'm allowed to go back and mess with it.

Second, go back and mess with it, right?  NO.  After I finish my word vomit and have a good, long novel written, I'm going to print it up, shrink-wrap it, and bury it in the backyard.  Ok, not literally (I don't even have a backyard), but I'm going to put it out of my mind and ignore it for at least a month.  I'm going to take that time to read some novels (specifically YA, as Mongrel is shaping up to be) that I've been wanting to devour.  My list so far (which I am planning to round out to a nice, even 10 books) is as follows:

1. Looking for Alaska - John Green
2. Cinder - Marissa Meyer (aw, memories...)
3. Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger (Yeah, I've somehow managed to miss that one so far)
4. Devilish - Maureen Johnson

Now I need more books to add to the list.  Suggestions?

Third, omgedit!

Fourth, omgeditsomemore!

Fifth, omgeditagain!

Sixth, hesitantly and with great terror, let someone read what has been written.

Seventh, cry

Eighth, omgedituntilmyfingersbleed!

Woot!  Plan!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I feel icky

Hello Earthlings,

Man, this chunk was hard to write.  I'm sitting in the library with my friend and, while I've managed to get a lot of words out, I know that this part is going to require extensive editing in the future.

A quick note- some of this might be a bit uncomfortable to read.  It was very uncomfortable to write.  Don't worry, things will get much worse.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Short Day

Hello Earthlings,

Just a short bit for you today, but I'm hoping to make that up with a very productive day tomorrow.  I have plans to hit the library early and no plans to go home until they kick me out.  For tonight, though, I need to delve more into the mind of Jack, as I find myself struggling to understand his psyche.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day One- Success!

Hello Earthlings!

Well, despite my distressingly slow start, I managed nearly 3000 words on day one and I'm rather proud of myself for that.  This story is just flowing from my fingertips so far and I'm very excited to be writing again.  I will need that extra word cushion tomorrow, though, as we're going to be meeting some friends to go out for dinner.  (Indian food, yum!)

A note about the following section to anyone who is reading it.  My book involves a race of aliens.  I have yet to come up with an acceptable name for these alien folks.  For the moment, I'm just referring to them as the masters and mistresses.  If you see a capitalized Master or Mistress, you know that it's referring to a specific alien, but lowercase means the race in general.  I'll be updating that when I come up with a name for the species, but for now please be patient with me.  :o)

Second note: Sorry about formatting ickiness. This thing doesn't copy and paste from Google Drive to Blogger very well.  :o(

Slightly less right :o(

Hello Earthlings,

Unfortunately, I didn't get the early start that I'd hope for.  I didn't sleep well last night and so didn't get up early.  Then I had a really crappy morning, but I won't go into details.  I did manage nearly 500 words over lunch though.

So, without further ado, I bring you the first snippet of my novel, which has been given the working title "Mongrel."

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kicking it off right

Hello Earthlings,

It starts tomorrow!  Is it sad that I'm this excited?  I am so ready to start the mad literary dash!

I've had to restrain myself from doing too much research right now, just because I was going stir crazy being unable to actually write.  But I'm planning to go to bed early tonight so that I can wake up at 4am tomorrow and get started.  Woohoo!


Jessie May

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Must... Resist....

Hello Earthlings,

Aaargh... I'm having such a hard time NOT working on my novel.  I have been brainstorming for the last two days pretty much straight (work?  what's that?) and I really want to put pen to paper!  Or... fingers to... keyboard?

Also, I need some inspiration for aliens.  Anyone?


Oh, that's right.  It's just me.

Le sigh.

~Jessie May